How to Store Onions So They Last Longer Than Your Most Recent Relationship

I've thought about how to store herbs , berries, tomatoes, nuts , and even flour . ( Underwear , that too!) But how to store onions ? Don't you just, erm, put them on the counter and let them hang out for…I don't know…ever? That's what I thought until one dark morning several years ago, when I walked into the kitchen and found the counter covered in stinky liquid. The potatoes and onions, which had been bunking together in the same basket, had led to each other's demise: The spuds had sprouted and softened; the onions had liquified and leaked.

I am telling you this horror story not to gross you out, but to implore you to consider how to store onions (and potatoes). Here's what you need to know to extend your onions' lifespans for as long as possible:

Keep storage onions in a cool, dark, and dry place.

Moisture and light lead to mold (ew) and sprouting (annoying, though not a deal-breaker), so stow your storage onions (red, yellow, white, as well as shallots and the diminutive pearl and cippolini) in a dry, well-ventilated basket, bin, or large bowl. Keep them out of the sun and in a cool but not freezing locale with some air circulation. I keep mine in the cabinet with all of my baking dishes, but, in the future, I aspire to buy crates' worth and keep them a garage or cellar.

You also want to make sure, as you have gleaned from my anecdote, that they're separated from potatoes (which are prone to rotting if kept nearby).

How long do onions last?

According to The Chef's Garden cookbook, onions stored at temperatures between 30° and 50° F will keep for up to one year. Otherwise, they'll last for several weeks.

Store cut onions in the refrigerator (or even the freezer)…

You can hang onto a halved or sliced onion in an airtight container in the fridge for about one week. Store them in an airtight container (preferably a glass one, as plastic will absorb odor) to decrease oxidation, moisture absorption, and stinkiness. And as long as you’re going to be cooking the onions, rather than using them raw as a topping or condiment, where texture is vital, you can store them in the freezer for several months.

…along with any tender, fresh alliums.

For alliums that aren't long for this world (as in, they haven't been cured for long-term storage)—think scallions, spring onions, sweet onions, leeks, green garlic, garlic scapes, chives—store them in the fridge. Anything that comes bunches—like spring and scallions—unfurl, then wrap in a damp paper towel and tuck into a bag or airtight container. (I also peel away anything that's slimy or wilting and toss it into the compost—it's not going to help the cause.)

Source : food

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