Laurie David , coauthor with Heather Reisman of the new book Imagine It! A Handbook for a Happier Planet , shares four tips to reduce waste at home.
Embrace the Bumps
Thousands of pieces of misshapen fruit are thrown away every day because people reject the slight imperfections that nature is bound to impart—we’re talking bumps, small bruises, and odd shapes. Let’s give our fruits and veggies a break and be a bit less demanding about what we buy.
Organize Smartly
Placing just-purchased food behind what is already in your fridge will go a long way toward helping you remember what you have and what you need to use first.
Take Expiration Dates With a Grain of Salt
Dates on food packages are usually approximate indications of when the food might be at its best, not absolute confirmation of when something has gone bad. Always smell a product before throwing it out.
This One’s Easy: Make Soup
At the end of every week, clean out your fridge and toss all those fading veggies and any leftovers you’ve got hanging around into your favorite pot. Add some onions, garlic, and a good amount of veggie broth and not only do you have a head start on Sunday dinner, but you have also lowered your food carbon footprint by keeping it out of a landfill.
Source : food
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