Brightland’s Digestif Candle Is Like a Breath Mint for Your Kitchen

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At the end of a robust meal, all I want is a digestif—a thimble of maybe an amaro or cognac that clears my palate. Mmm, I think, pouring myself a Meletti. That laksa was so good, but now I would like not to taste it anymore. A digestif marks the end of dinner in a way that is both celebratory and final, like an exclamation point. That was fun! Let’s go to bed.

Brightland’s Digestif candle operates on the same principle, except for your nose instead of your taste buds. After the garlicky fried rice or pan-seared mackerel or cumin-forward aloo gobi has been cleared, light up this scented candle and, if you’d like, pass the scotch. With notes of neroli (which is derived from bitter orange blossoms), vetiver (a fragrant grass), and a hint of black pepper, Digestif banishes food smells and transports you somewhere warm, verdant, and lush.

Brightland Digestif Candle

If you’re thinking, Brightland? Isn’t that the olive oil company with the Instagrammable matte bottle and the slick branding? you are correct. The secret ingredient in this soy-based candle—and what makes its fragrance especially potent—is Brightland’s own cold-pressed California olive oil, which it says improves the “scent throw” of the candle. You know how when you bloom spices in ghee or oil, their flavor permeates the fat, which in turn infuses lentils or pasta or chicken breasts with redolent goodness? It’s the same idea with the olive oil and the component scents in the Digestif candle. I’m pretty sure. I’m not a scientist. But that sounds right.

Even on nights when I’m not lingering at the table with guests after dinner, the Digestif candle has become part of my routine. I’ll light it up while I’m washing dishes—the equivalent of brushing my kitchen’s teeth before bed—knowing that when I stumble downstairs the next morning, it’ll smell like a boutique filled with lovely things I can’t afford instead of last night’s fish.

Source : food

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