The Last Thing You Should Do with That Mesh Bag Your Garlic Comes In

The Last Thing You Should Do with That Mesh Bag Your Garlic Comes In

published about 2 hours ago
Credit: Sarah Crowley

With all of the repurposing opportunities that happen in the kitchen, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that yet another thing you thought was trash is actually worth keeping. Today, we’re talking about the little mesh bag your garlic comes in!

To be honest, I usually love ripping open those little net bags in a fit of super strength. But from now on I’ll be taking care to gently open each one from the tag end because the garlic bags, which are made of the same kind of fine mesh that shallots and ginger come in, are the perfect size for collecting your last bits of bar soap. Yes, you read that right — bar soap!

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Credit: Sarah Crowley

Use the Mesh Garlic Bag to Collect Bits of Bar Soap

Gathering up all of the leftover bits of bar soap allows you to stop wasting those tiny scraps that end up clinging to your shower’s soap ledge or around your bathroom sink. More often than not, slivers and bits of soap are an annoying hassle to use on their own, and inevitably end up in the bathroom trash. (Of course, only after they’ve made an annoying, goopy mess.) Collecting them in a mesh bag allows you make use of all the soap. Waste not, want not!

It’s super easy, too! Simply, toss in the soap shards and tie the top of the mesh bag in a loose knot to keep the pieces neatly contained. (Just don’t tie it too tight, so you can conveniently add new bits of soap.) When the soap gets wet, the pieces will start to meld together in the bag, making for a nice-and-easy washing experience.

Another bonus: The fine mesh actually adds an extra bit of scrubbing power! Keep your garlic bag-turned-soap holder near a utility or laundry room sink, and use it to wash your hands after gardening, painting, or doing other household chores that call for an extra bit of soapy scrubbing.

Do you have any other smart uses for those mesh garlic bags? Tell us in the comments below.

Shifrah Combiths


With five children, Shifrah is learning a thing or two about how to keep a fairly organized and pretty clean house with a grateful heart in a way that leaves plenty of time for the people who matter most. Shifrah grew up in San Francisco, but has come to appreciate smaller town life in Tallahassee, Florida, which she now calls home. She's been writing professionally for twenty years and she loves lifestyle photography, memory keeping, gardening, reading, and going to the beach with her husband and children.

Source : food

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