The $15 Kitchen Tool That Doubles the Amount of Storage Space in My Refrigerator

The $15 Kitchen Tool That Doubles the Amount of Storage Space in My Refrigerator

updated about 6 hours ago
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Credit: Joe Lingeman/Kitchn

Meal prep can be an emotional roller coaster — from the high of preparing a week’s worth of meals to the low of playing Tetris with the containers, stacking them to fit in limited fridge space. In an effort to increase the storage capability of my narrow side-by-side refrigerator, I found an $15 kitchen tool that practically doubles my fridge space, and you might already have it in your cabinet.

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Stackable cooling racks are the key to cooling cookies in half the space and they’re the secret to an organized refrigerator. This set of stackable cooling racks was priceless in my previous kitchen — one that was impossibly short on counter space. But where my current house has ample countertop real estate, I now lack fridge storage (can’t have it all, right?). I quickly grew tired of balancing containers atop one another and the visual clutter of a disorganized refrigerator.

Credit: Patty Catalano

Enter: the stackable cooling rack! These racks are distinct from standard cooling racks because they have legs that extend, creating a three-inch space below. The racks double shelf space so food storage containers can be placed under and on top of them. I rarely move the rack from the bottom shelf (see above), where I store raw meat. It lets me keep uncooked meat away from cooked or prepared foods, and maintains the texture of ground meat so that it isn’t crushed under the weight of other proteins. As I work my way through the week’s meals and their containers, I fold the racks for storage in the cabinet.

How to do you organize your fridge for the week? Are there any ingenious tools or tips we should know about? Tell us about it in the comments below!

Patty Catalano


Patty is a freelance recipe developer who worked as Alton Brown’s Research Coordinator & Podcast Producer and in the Oxmoor House test kitchen. She loves maple syrup, coffee and board games. Patty lives in Atlanta with her husband and two children.

Source : food

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